#Final cut pro 7 vs adobe premiere cs6 upgrade#
We are a TV news station who plans to go HD and we are are looking to upgrade to MacPro but the only advantage is that we will be able to use FCP X. Don’t expect for everything to be 100% perfect out of the box in every sequence, but it gives you a huge head start and will put everything where you need it on the timeline. Any video editors here who can give me feedback between Premiere CS6 and Final Cut Pro for HD editing. You can now display an unlimited number of tracks in Premiere’s multi-camera monitor. The only quirk I’ve had to deal with is sometimes crossfades don’t port over just right…but that’s an easy fix. Adobe did not add automatic audio-based syncing found in Apples Final Cut Pro X, but Singular Software’s PluralEyes software will be available for CS6 when it’s released, though it wasn’t for my testing. That was a long time ago and the application has come a long way since then. There have been a ton of updates recently in Xto7, and it has been working just fine. Premiere Pro was the first NLE I ever used. From there, I just convert it to a good ol’ fashioned FCP7 XML and import it directly for use in premiere (with the appropriate footage folder from the FCP X library). They gave me their libraries, and now all I have to do is open it up in FCP X, select the events I want, and export an XML to use in Xto7. I purchased FCP X to have it handy for times like this, but I had no way to get their work into Premiere Pro for my final edit. Some of our footage from outside is put in an offline edit by other editors using FCPX though. This video times two everyday tasks in Adobe Premiere CS6 and Final Cut Pro X 10.0.6.The source clip is a 1500 frame 1080p25 ProRes 422(HQ) movie.The first t. I’m working on a television show, primarily using Adobe’s creative cloud.

Lots of recent updates, much more reliable